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Stripped – Rocking Product-Less Hair


Having hair issues??? Your old faithful is acting like a new failure??? We’ve all been there, hun.

Have you ever thought of getting naked??? Hey!!! Put your clothes back on. I’m talking about going product-LESS. As in little to no products in your hair.

Ever experience something good coming out of something negative??? I was going through old pics and looking at the health and beauty of my hair and really wondered what happened and why does my hair not look like that anymore. I tried going back to what I used to do. Instead of trying to change and try new products, go back to the old faithfuls. That was cool, but my hair still wasn’t where I thought it needed to be. It still wasn’t behaving like I wanted it.

So one night, I was really lazy and didn’t want to be bothered. I had already washed and conditioned my hair the previous night and you know how you’re just tired and over it??? That’s where I was and was like “Yo. I’ll tackle this tomorrow.” and used my shea butter mix and twisted in big sections and caught some Zs.

Next day, I took the twists out and to my surprise my hair was extremely soft and shiny. All the water and moisture I had in my hair, the shea butter trapped and made my hair feel so luxurious!!! Eureka!!!LovedByBrittany-Stripped-Product-Less-Natural-Hair-Twist-Out-1.jpg

After about a month or so, I have noticed some positives and negatives since doing this.

Positives: Hair is super moisturized and shiny. Having more volume and 2nd and 3rd day looking hair on the first day!!! (if you love big hair like I do, this is LIFE!!!) It feels weightless without all those heavy products. Allows water to properly penetrate and condition hair. My scalp doesn’t get as flaky and dirty as frequently as it once did. Saving money on products. (Now you can just transfer that to makeup and snacks. Obviously. 😉 )LovedByBrittany-Stripped-Product-Less-Natural-Hair-Twist-Out-3.jpg

Negatives: I’m a lazy natural who likes to do her hair once a week. I found that definition doesn’t last as long without a “holding” product. In order to have more definition, I found myself retwisting every other night so I can achieve better curls for the next day. Still wasn’t a deal breaker because 1., I didn’t feel the need to have perfect curls everyday, and 2., I embrace the frizz. But the volume tho!!! Yassss!!!LovedByBrittany-Stripped-Product-Less-Natural-Hair-Twist-Out-GIFLovedByBrittany-Stripped-Product-Less-Natural-Hair-Twist-Out-6.jpg

It was a way to detox my hair and go back to a simpler time reminiscent of the wonder years where your mom would wash and condition your hair, slap some grease in, and put in your favorite barrettes, and have you cute for church on Sunday. Ah. Good times. (Mom, can you come wash my hair??? No??? Ok. What a meanie. 😦 )

If you’re having issues finding products or your favorite products stopped working, have you thought about giving your tresses a break??? Try going product free for a week and let me know how it works for you!!!LovedByBrittany-Stripped-Product-Less-Natural-Hair-Twist-Out-2.jpg

❤ LovedByBrittany

Song Of The Post : J Cole ft. Trey Songz “Can’t Get Enough”

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